Young People, E-Cigarettes, and Tobacco Control in Ireland (YETI)
YETI is a current TFRI project (2020-2022), led by Principal Investigator Prof Joan Hanafin with Prof Luke Clancy and Salome Sunday, that sets out to understand the significance of e-cigarettes in Tobacco Control in young people in Ireland, and effects on Tobacco Free Ireland 2025.
YETI is funded by RCDHT and has 4 Work Packages.
WP1 CONTEXT & LITERATURE REVIEWS WP1 will compile contextual materials for the project and establish the scientific and technical framework, including a systematic collection of scientific references, and Literature Reviews on substantive topics of e-cigarettes and young people, as well as on national and international Tobacco Control (TC) policy, and the Irish legislative and policy contexts including Tobacco Free Ireland 2025 (TFI) and draft Bill on e-cigarettes.
WP2 DATABASE OF EMPIRICAL DATASETS WP2 will create a comprehensive database of empirical datasets on e-cigarettes and young people [Ireland & EU comparable], identify relevant questions in survey instruments, analyse individual datasets using relevant questions identified, and meta-analyse datasets as feasible.
WP3 REPORTS, PRESENTATIONS, PAPERS WP3 will compile findings of analyses from individual datasets and from merged datasets and prepare reports, papers for publication, and conference presentations. Topics will include:
Establish prevalence of e-cigarettes use at each year interval 11-18 years
Define social determinants at different ages
Define the role of e-cigarettes in initiation of smoking
Establish trend in e-cigarette usage in Ireland
Compare e-cigarette usage in Ireland and other countries
Estimate contribution of e-cigarettes to smoking cessation in young people
Other findings
WP4 DISSEMINATION & LIAISON WP4 will undertake delivery of interim and final reports to funders, disseminate findings at scientific conferences, and draft papers for publication in scientific/ technical press. WP4 will also undertake liaison with European partners and policy-makers to assist coordination of European studies concerned with e-cigarettes and to make recommendations for control and prevention of e-cigarette use.